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Future of healthcare - Man sitting on wood deck in front of a lake


Health is the key to prosperity, and we all have a part to play

IbyIMD+ Published 18 March 2021 in Magazine • 4 min read

In the post pandemic world, keeping society fit and healthy will be the responsibility of every business sector, but even more important will be the handling of sensitive personal data, writes Dr. Stephan Sigrist.

One thing the Corona crisis has shown very clearly is that health is the foundation for economic growth and societal stability. In dealing with the pandemic, every area of life, all companies and administrations are affected.

Not only through the consequences of the lockdowns but also through the products and services that affect individual and public health, from food to real estate to transport. All industries are now part of the healthcare system.

Using qualitative modelling to look ahead, the relevance of ubiquitous health will increase even further, as COVID-19 is likely to remain, despite global vaccination, and there is a risk that other viral threats will emerge in the near future. This adds another element to the already significant complexity of major health risks in society. Lifestyle-related diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular problems are wellknown, but there are new risks associated with the massive use of digital devices which can lead to an increase in mental disorders and a form of “digital obesity”. In addition, the growing possibilities of diagnostics mean more pre-existing conditions will be detected early, leading to a growing number of people being…

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